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5 Fragen an...
Antonin Fourneau

Der Pariser Künstler Antonin Fourneau zieht mit seinem Team mit dem Pop-Up Jahrmarkt Eniarof zum Next Level ins NRW-Forum ein! Es wird bunt und verrückt – wir freuen uns!

Please introduce yourself: What do you do & why?

I’m an artist and a teacher at a design school in Paris. This year, I launched a research group about Game/Design and art named GoD|Art (Game oriented Design | Art). Two issues of my work revolve around the place of games in our society and how the new kinds of object, materials, technologies, etc. can create a new ludic model. Today, I try to work on larger scales and develop interactions with a crowd. Eniarof is a part of this interest.

From your point of view, what is the »special thing« about digital games?

There are live games where things come alive under your fingers. You are a bit kind of like a God. I hope more and more playing proposals without the screen, but through new objects and materials, will emerge.

When or in which context did you play games the last time - and what did you play?

I'm really missing out of updates about the new consoles. My latest gaming experiences are Broforce and Gang Beasts which were triggering a lot of laughter attacks on me. I also spend some time on Space Team. And the unassailable Bomberman is still not far away. Push me pull you is in my toppled list.

Do you have any favourite character in a game? If so, why?

I've never been completely focused on the characters in games. They are more a matter of mechanics and concept to me. However, I had a weakness for badass characters in my childhood so Final Fight, Sonic, Metal Slug, Street of Rage...

 Please complete the following sentence: You shouldn’t miss out on NEXT LEVEL 2016, because …'s the first Eniarof in Germany!

Bild: ENIAROF Moscow / Foto: Antonin Fourneau